Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sale- ing

Sale-ing away

Squeaky and I woke up at the crack of dawn (7:30) to go sailing today – garage sale -ing that is! The Winnipegger in me just loves a good garage sale and the Glebe’s is the greatest.

Today’s haul included:

- 4 books on cd for Nature girl and Wild Thing

- An Ian Rankin Novel. I’ve been meaning to start reading his stuff now that I’m back into - books and mummy mush brain has subsided a bit

- A great batik blanket to add to the play silks

- A bunny vet set – including stuffed bunny, crate, stethoscope, food bowl and various medical tools. Willow loves it and I think the other kids will too. It reminds me of the animal hospital at the Nature museum

- Once upon a potty girls. It is just precious – it uses the right words for pee and poo and actually shows pictures of the real deal.

- Great big Urban Peasant cook book. I love James Barber. I got to cook with him once, and eat his food, at a home show in BC. I could read his recipes for hours and love how simple his cooking is. I appreciate his “some wine for the sauce, some wine to get sauced” mentality. I wish he was still alive.

- A church cookbook compilation that came free with $5 purchase. Big score – it’s eighty years of cooking arranged by decade.

- An Usborne look and see book. Detailed pictures with words – like an eye spy sort of.

- Some adventure stories for Nature Girl and Wild Thing that also have the facts – stories about mummies and pirates that then have facts about mummies and pirates. Looks really cool!

-Some bad Sci Fi movies for W

- The piece de resistance “Dr Who Dinosaur Book”. It’s an original British coloring book style (I think) Tom Baker Dr Who book. I thought that DM and W would get a kick out of it. I was right so far.

- The Hobbit – fully illustrated for 5 cents – the one complaint when we were reading the Hobbit was that the pictures in “The Hobbit Companion” didn’t exactly match the story. Now I have the story with the pictures.

- Some playdough cookie cutters.

- Herbs: Chocolate mint, lemon basil and garlic chive. Woot
- Shampoo for curly frizz head. Brand new fancy stuff that I would never buy - $2!!!!

- Girl Guide cookies purchased directly from Fraulien Falkenburg herself, who is not one bit sausagey – but rather fabulous in her bob and sun glasses!

Okay, so that looks like a lot but, umm, it was mostly books, and all second hand (almost) and hey I’m working 14 hours this weekend….


The Westborough Garage sale is in a couple of weeks… and I can’t wait to go sale – ing again!

1 comment:

Fräulein Eberg said...

Millions of thank you's for coming by!!! It was most lovely to see you! And I am far more sausage-y than you my dear, you looked WONDERFUL!!!