Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Macaroni and cheese

Can someone please tell me why I can't eat macaroni and cheese every single day? Because I'm going to.

Lets look at the nutritional rundown:

It has 15 percent of my daily iron and since I'm going to eat the whole box, bump that up to 45%
2% of Vitamin A, again really 6%
11 G of protein (33g when you count the fact that I'm just gonna dig into the whole pot)
8% of my calcium (24%)
18 % of my fiber ( times three is ...)

As for fat and calories, I don't want t o make this list too long and bore you.
It's economical at a dollar a box and takes 7 minutes to prepare. The ideal food.

Maybe I'll eat only macaroni and cheese every day until Christmas and then see how I feel. I bet I'll feel great. I'll blog about it and become famous, get an endorsement deal form the good people at KD

*Disclaimer: Tyren if you are reading this, it's a bad idea. Seriouly. ( but then again , see list above .. )


Fräulein Eberg said...

remember that time we went to your house & made gingrbreadpeople? didnt we also make macaroni & cheese that ended up being like noddles around a warm ball of gooey cheese? i fondly remember the ball of cheese...

red fraggle said...

That was your fault : ) - I think we tried to make home made macaroni and cheese - oh god! I had forgotten about this. Still, as my plan is for instant KD it should go off without a hitch!

Fräulein Eberg said...

i remember clearly you being the one stirring the pot no? i may be mistaken though... :)instant kd = better

red fraggle said...

umm - nope it was me. i had performance anxiety re the sauce. that was so fun!

Fräulein Eberg said...

hahaha!! and i was probably too "machine-like"... i wanna make gingerbread peeps again!