Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Frauline F and DarkMirror will appreciate my pain tonight = I'm sleepless. I think it may have been the smell of one very wet baby that woke me up. She fell asleep early in her track suit and we didn't get to change her before she dozed off like a drunken frat boy, face first into the boob. So sweet!

So I've tried to alleviate some worries by paying bills - not as tragic as it could be though the money tree on the porch is not bearing any fruit. Maybe more fertilizer?

Willow has now rolled all the way across the bed, is upside down and spread eagle. I'd take her picture but it would be cruel to wake her up with the flash. Just use your imaginations gentle readers, and don't forget that it still smells mildly of pee. Must concoct hippie room spray made of vodka tomorrow. May drink vodka.

The good news is I think I've scored a babysitting job where I can bring the boo. I'm all excited. The bad news is I'll be on the freedom 85 plan. This should motivate me to find something I like to do though. Suggestions for jobs that involne no stress, much reward moderate cash and time off are welcome. Must not require a license, co-ordination or a sense of direction.

Ok - I'm going to try and nod off by reading a doomsy book about the future of the planet. Should make having no money look irrelevant. Ed, take care of your finger little Eddie . Dark Mirror_ I love you and am so proud of all the things you're doing right now. Go team face stuffing!

hugs to my imagined legions of fans

peace out


Fräulein Eberg said...

little eddie... isnt that too vanilla for the horror that it truly is? or is that the joke?

feel your pain re: insomnia - reading "The Sandman: Book of Dreams" has been my solace (except i left it at home when i went to Germany - sigh). that and the percocets :)(not recomended though)

red fraggle said...

irony is my friendly - plus i know how much you love the moniker Ed!

you know i've never taken real pain meds or sleeping pills. i read me some mad magazine and plotted how i would realize my dreams - and it worked!

Fräulein Eberg said...

Hahaha - nice & true.

okay... was your dream to make hippie spray out of vodka? because if so, we need to talk...