Monday, May 18, 2009


The cat may have anxiety issues.
I guess this makes us even more related than I thought!

He's been peeing even more than usual lately, on the stairwell of course - that lovely entrance to our home that smells like an outhouse no matter what I do, but then last week he peed in front of the door to our bedroom, on Ws shoes, on various plastic bags. The outhouse was moving in..

So we took the cat to the vet just in case. I love vets btw. They remind me of midwives. They tell you what might be wrong for free. They suggest possible options. They let you think about it and don't lecture you for past mistakes ( ie lack of kitty dental care, or the fact that your cat hasn't been to the vet in ten years). They don't wear make up or perfume.They did a urine and blood test because in the end I did want to make sure everything was ok.

Chances are though, he'll need anti anxiety meds. Right now he's on the extra love plan- more pets, more cuddles, no recriminations when he does pee, an extra litter box on the spot he likes Seems to be working. This morning, I woke up to find Willow at the breast an kitkat curled against her with his chin on my hip.

the more love plan. We should all be on it. and i'd love an extra litter box too!!!


Kerry said...

My sister's dog had severe anxiety issues in his old age and the meds made all the difference. I'd send KitKat loves from the kids but the mobbing might send him over the edge!

red fraggle said...

tee hee - i know - he peed in Maxy`s mitt last time he was here - and it took me a while to figure it out

`my mitt is yucky..``

``its just wet``

``its stinky``
