Monday, May 25, 2009

great things

1- Sausages from the Sausage Kitchen covered in sauerkraut which also contains SAUSAGE. This is also why my arms still look like sausages. I’m good with it.

2- An herb garden from the market with Basil, Thyme, Rosemary, Edible Pansies, and chives and miscellaneous must -ask -Emily. Will eat tomato sandwich when I get home which should counter balance said sausage and the chocolate almonds ….

3- Hugs. These are great. Strong, soft chubby baby hugs, long lanky goodbye hugs. I love and need hugs.

4- Pictures of a pirate and a sparkly long haired beauty playing in the east coast sun and salt. Those faces make me smile every time.

5- Birds singing in the morning. So much better then an alarm clock beeping.

6- The sun. Vitamin D. Dry heat. Great light. If I were to worship a god of any kind, I think it would be a sun god. Though I am not a sun worshipper in the lying on the beach covered in oil way. Nope. I’m red head after all!

7- Family. My genetic family, my extended family, my people in my neighborhood family. I love the way the door is always unlocked and you drop by with food, with news, with home made dresses and music. My far away families, I eat up your stories and look forward to your visits.

There are so many more great things. I could go on forever now, which would get long and hokey. The point is that this started out as a post (which you didn’t see) about how I was having a bad day. A sad day. A “mean reds” kinda day. And now I am full of thoughts of great things.

Greatest, a sign seen at the Planet Coffee in the market next to the cash register:

Please do not feed the birds inside the store.

1 comment:

Fräulein Eberg said...

All of those things are most wonderful my dear! And I echo your sentiments :)