For some reason, 34 hit me pretty hard. Thirty was fine - it seemed cliche to be upset by 30 and to be honest, my twenties were a bit of a mess - so I welcomed my thirties with open arms and midnight sledding, if I recall correctly.
Thirty four, for some reason, had me thinking about how fast time flies; about how I really am a grown up now and never get asked for ID. I rarely do anything to warrrant proof of age mind you, but then, that is another sign of my age.
My mind had been going around in these circles, dusting off unwelcome thoughts and taking up time and brain space that should be used for more interesting, or at least upbeat thoughts, when my 34 th birthday arrived.
I decided that at 34, I would learn to wear make up like a grown up. Not just sultry eye make up for a night of dancing, but real grown up maintenance activities like moisturizing and exfoliating, as recommended on I would apply light makeup on a semi regular basis.
So with that in mind, I picked up some all natural face wash, a mint and rosemary exfoliator, and a moisturizer. I got mascara, eye shadow and lip stick. I chose a cover up to hide the shadows and lines I could see under my eyes.
For a few days I practiced applying my new and improved face, my youthful mask,my middle age security, uh, face blanket. I told myself this would help Willow when she got older because I would be able to teach her about "self care". She watched me intently all week as I made myself up and
Is what
She learned
Willow had been watching me all week, putting on makeup. So one fine "nap" time she grabbed the lipstick and made herself right up. When I look at these pictures I stop worrying about my age, I stop wondering if I'll grow old gracefully. I just laugh.
I am on the same page with you on the aging. It was around 34 when I too started to feel like I should grow up. For me it was clothes. I had to embrace a more age-appropriate style of dress. You & I share the gift of looking younger than we are, so we can push the "act your age" stuff a bit.
I have a good decade on you, and as I too am approaching another birthday, pushing ever closer to a milestone I'm not looking forward to, I am putting solid consideration into the Southern Belle approach of giving out a false age. I'm thinking I could go back & pause at 42 for a while. I could still pass for that young (I think) and probably could do for a few years.
I guess we can't take aging too seriously - it's not like we have a choice. But we can attempt to do it gracefully. If that means taking care of our face & body, that seems fair to me.
You do have a youthful face, it's those Herbert cheekbones and the sparkly eyes. You could pass for 42 for a good while!
I try not to take aging too seriously - I think it's the end of aging that scares me most if I'm honest.
Getting older is okay - Like when I was a kid I thought I would miss Halloween when I couldn't trick or treat any more but when the time came to give up going door to door i just celebrated differently and liked it just a as much.
Grace - that is what I have to learn most I think.
<3 I love this post Kathy - you dont need to wear make-up! Happy (belated eeeep!) Birthday! Aaaand, if you need day wear make-up tips... gimme a hollah! (yes, I know I *never* wear make-up, but I do know how!)
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