Daddy and Willow enjoy street meat
OOhh a snowmobile! Once I took Willow to Toys R us ( to get diapers ). She made a Bee line for the baby Jeeps and stayed there for 20 minutes. How is this my daughter?
Mommy and Willow happy in the snow.
The Giant Spider - made of re- used garbage bags.
Nothing says awesome like taxidermy..
I could have comtributed to this awesome knitting tree but I was too chicken. Next year, watch out trees!!
and now kids I am off to work and when I think that my eyes are going to pop out of my head I'll just think of Winterlude.
Thanks for the pics. I'd been hankering for a new entry. I stand firm in my resolve on FB.
I admire you for it. It takes up too much time in the way of TV and other Alpha wave inducing activities and I am trying to cut back.:)
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