Thursday, February 18, 2010


We had so much fun at winterlude this year. Wes has put up great pictures on facebook with wry commentary but here for Nicole and other not so fans of the FB are some pictures..

Daddy and Willow enjoy street meat

OOhh a snowmobile! Once I took Willow to Toys R us ( to get diapers ). She made a Bee line for the baby Jeeps and stayed there for 20 minutes. How is this my daughter?

Mommy and Willow happy in the snow.

The Giant Spider - made of re- used garbage bags.

Nothing says awesome like taxidermy..

I could have comtributed to this awesome knitting tree but I was too chicken. Next year, watch out trees!!

and now kids I am off to work and when I think that my eyes are going to pop out of my head I'll just think of Winterlude.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the pics. I'd been hankering for a new entry. I stand firm in my resolve on FB.

red fraggle said...

I admire you for it. It takes up too much time in the way of TV and other Alpha wave inducing activities and I am trying to cut back.:)