Thursday, March 26, 2009

banana split

My grandmother sent me a chain mail about how good bananas are for your body and mind - so I just had a banana split. Calcium + banana= good for me? I was up much of the night with the Willow bug who has a second tooth coming in and really needed to nurse all night along. At 3 am she decided it was party time and headed out to the family room, mom in tow - I was tired of nursing and better a happy distracted baby than an in bed fussy one. She settled down by four but then I picked up " The hunt sisters" and couldn't stop reading.. So now i'm tired but I can't sleep and feel a bit off.

Little things are making me sad today. For example - during play group, we were playing with a parachute - the kids would go in the middle and we'd walk around in circle so they'd get a "ride". One little boy didn't like it and was crying, but his mom wouldn't take him out. She wouldn't pick him up. This was not something we *had* to do. It was supposed to be fun. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and picked him him up. That's all he needed. Usually, I am not a vocal critic of other parents. I have my thoughts but I know too that everyone does things differently. Today this just upset me a lot. When kids need affection they should get it. Maybe I need a hug today. Yeesh.

Also today I wish I didn't have to work. I like my job honestly, and I like having money of my own but if I could afford it, I would stay home because when I think about what makes me happy, it is being with my child. I tried last night to think of how much money would make it worthwhile to leave Willow all day. Not even a million dollars, because I can't buy back my time with her. There is nothing I want more than to watch her learn, help her grow, hug her close. I understand though that I have to help provide a home for her, monetarily and I have a good balance right now.

I'm lucky and the banana split will kick in soon!


Fräulein Eberg said...

Oh sweety, am sending you a big massive HUG!!! Lots of love from this square head to your red head!

red fraggle said...

Thanks FF- really much appreciated. I love your square headedness by the by. When the weather gets better we can sit on my porch if you like and drink wine, or tea or carrot juice and judge other people harshly together!

Fräulein Eberg said...

consider it done! what flavour ice cream did you utilise in said banana split?