Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why is that toddler so quiet?

So at7:45 I start putting together tonight's dinner - I'm on a slow cooker kick these days:

I have to slice the meat, chop the onions and peppers, measure out the liquid odds and ends and Willow is playing independently. Awesome. I decide to tidy up a bit, fold laundry - the pile in the room is ou of control and threatens to overtake the bed. No photos of that here!

Willow is quiet. Oh so quiet.

Mischief is afoot for sure so I go see what the little booger is up to. When I walk into the kitchen this is what I find:


Stella Aurora L'Orange said...

lOOks gOOd* i'd be in tHere fOr sure!*

red fraggle said...

Thanks! It was tasty - bacon and cheese quiche.