Wednesday, January 14, 2009

a full house

Willow has a friend over right now - on this freezing day we picked her up early from after school care; it's minus 40 with wind chill here today. On a side note, my mom says I can't feel too sorry for myself - It's minus 50 with windchill in Winnipeg today - and she went to yoga anyway. Trooper.

The thing is, it's so much easier with two. I love Willow and she's not a challenging kid. She can amuse herself reading or playing with recycling for ages. She's curious but not destructive and only occasionally tries to swallow something bigger than her wind pipe. But it's still warmer and more natural with another child to play and move about the house. Without even trying, kids engage each other seem to learn from one another. Willow, after all, learned to walk almost as soon as her sister and brothers came home.

So far today they've done a puppet show, played kazoo, watched eachother play .. and I've relaxed and had tea, gotten a few toys out, answered lots of questions and watched a puppet show for babies. Good times.

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