I've been frustrated today. By the bus strike mostly, and trying to find a way for W to get to work. By hormones maybe, the realization that I've gained weight this winter, which is no big deal, but just adds to the weight that I'm feeling with the February blahs around the corner.
I do not like conflict. Not any conflict. I think that I like change but it makes me edgy too.
I was going to write about conflict and trust re the bus strike and in general, but that will just work me up again. Instead, here is a picture of Willow, looking happy. I might work those other ideas out another day, when I am not overwhelmed with feelings and can let logic prevail. For now, just look at Willow. Think of those mischievous eyes and chuberalla cheeks.
She's such a lovely baby.
Thank you - she's hilarious and smart like her sister and brothers. I'm lucky. Dancan's pretty smashing himself!
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