Saturday, May 22, 2010

backyard swing

We have a back yard swing! In preparation for the good times of summer, we picked up this snazzy wooden prate swing - it will be set higher when the big kids get here and probably move to the front yard for higher swingage - but for now Willlow loves her hidden treasure.


Kerry said...

Oh I love it in amongst the ferns! I'm looking for a disc swing (might make one) instead of a tire swing to hang in our walnut tree. Nature Girl needs more thrills than a regular swing gives, I'm always terrified she'll actually topple our swing set she goes so high. As she says 'Mom! The slide wouldn't allow it to topple over!" But she did break it twisting it as tight as she could to SPIIIIIIIN, so giving her something spinny seems like a good idea.

red fraggle said...

This company makes a disk swing - 25 dollars, which Emily said was good considering the labour and supplies of making one. We were going to get it with Arrow in mind but the woman at the shop said the disk swing not the best for the boys :)

Kerry said...

Where did you get it? And what company?

Tarek said...

I think it is "Melissa and Doug."
- Emily