Thursday, May 20, 2010


One of the best parts of the new house is the backyard. The other night Auntie Emily came over and we moved the raspberry bushes and planted some lettuce. So far we've done a good job watering every night.


Unknown said...

Mmm, raspberry bushes. When we were little (when Wes was born), we lived briefly on a farm where there was a lovely patch of raspberry bushes. Nana once sent Curtis & I out to pick them. I came back with a few berries rolling in the bottom of my bowl, saying I was too full to pick any more.

My boys share the same love of the raspberry. They pick my mother-in-law's bush clean whenever given the opportunity.

red fraggle said...

I love you when we were lttle stories! I used to go picking berries in the green belt and so I am so excited about these!