Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy talk like a pirate day!

Yargh! It's talk like a pirate day, which I celebrated by eating pirate cookies

Apparently, these cookies are a Canadian creation - all I know is, peanut buttery deliciousness abounds in every bite!

Willow celebrated with her usual brand if grrr ing and grunting - seriously, that child sounds nothing like pebbles and everything like a surly pirate. I noticed today that she probably gets it from me - ooops. Me and the gang at DnD night. I applaud her sturdy pirate - iness - here

For Max, who I know is a fan of all things pirate, and who I've thought of lots today, I submit the following song, written by the guys who came up with talk like a pirate day, for the enjoyment of the G rated set:

A Children's Pirate Shanty
by Mark "Cap'n Slappy" Summers
(can be sung to the tune of Monty Python's "I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK" - or make up your own!)

I'm a pirate! That I be!
I sail me ship upon the sea!
I stay up late - till half past three!
And that's a peg below me knee!

Yo Ho, my friends I have a tale
of treasure, plunder, sea and sail
my story's bigger than a whale
it gets so deep, ye'll have to bail.

I'm a pirate! That I be!
I sail me ship upon the sea!
I stay up late - till half past three!
And that's a peg below me knee!

I like to fish, I like to fight
I like to stay up half the night
When I say "starboard" ye go right!
Me ma, she says, "Ye look a fright!"

I'm a pirate! That I be!
I sail me ship upon the sea!
I stay up late - till half past three!
And that's a peg below me knee!

I've got no hand but that's me hook!
I pillage stuff but I'm no crook.
Me booty's in this chest I took.
They'll write about me in a book!

I'm a pirate! That I be!
I sail me ship upon the sea!
I stay up late - till half past three!
And that's a peg below me knee!

And that's all there is to this song.
I hope it hasn't been too long.
A pirate's life might just be wrong
So grow up nice and big and strong!

I'm a pirate! That I be!
I sail me ship upon the sea!
I stay up late - till half past three!
And that's a peg below me knee!

and if you'd like help talking like a pirate - go here :

I'm off to read and starfish.

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